Frequently Asked Questions
Is the angle adjustable?
No, and for very good reason. The device is designed to be one angle so that your calf length can be the variable. The closer you come to the wall, the deeper the stretch. The CalfPRO®s angle was designed to work for all people tall and short, young and old and should not be adjusted.
Already contributed to this project?
Can I change the shipping address for my perk?
In most cases, yes. However, if the project has already started to ship perks, or if you need to change your country, you’ll need to contact the project owner in order to request any changes.
Can I ask calfPRO for a refund?
CalfPRO does not guarantee that the perks offered by the campaigner will be produced or delivered and is not directly responsible for refunding contributions. Learn more about our Refund policy.